Reflection about ManagementThis philosophy of mine works hand in hand with the idea of a classroom community. Being a teacher in the secondary level, I will only have the students for a short period each day. I hope that the students will have the internal motivation to want to excel in their studies. With my respect towards them, I hope that they would return that respect and the students would allow me to exercise a preventive model of management. Overall, I believe that my philosophy of management is reflected throughout my papers in this management portfolio. I have had the chance to use this model in several real-world teaching experiences. I have found that students are very open to this model, one which is seemingly different from those of other teachers. As I mentioned, at the start of the class we were looking for specific answers to situations. In our last class, we were disappointed in a model that gave us specific tasks for certain situations because we viewed it as too close-minded. We have evolved to be able to work with each situation presented to us using a fair and just method. By becoming more open, we have the chance to become the lead learner.
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